This memory error usually pops up when encountering a corrupted texture or sound. Check the map textures for an invalid file and browse through textures and sounds of your newly introduced weapons and other items.
Bf2 Memory Error Memorydll Sanity Check
Fast immer hängt sich BF2 beim Laden einer map auf mit dem fehler:" memory.dll: sanity check: block size 1755611786 (1674.28 MB) doesn't seem sane" Die Block Size und die dazugehörige MBs variieren ständig.
yes I tried, I have patch 1.41 and 1.5The 1.41 works but not the 1.5So I install again the game for try the 1.5 but doesn't work.And I still have the problem about Memory.dll insanity bla bla.Maybe I have a problem/virus in my windows7.I tried hundred things : activate my 2 cores, downloaded memory.dll file, change my Ram settings...then scan Spyhunter, CCleaner ...I don't understand because my computer is strong enough I think for bf2 2ff7e9595c